2000kg Loading dock scissor lift platform in Bahrain

Loading dock scissor lift platform is Himor featured product belongs to scissor lift table category. It’s obvious feature is low lifting height and compact dimension. Below is a sample loading dock scissor lift project in Bahrain. Let’s read in details.

loading dock scissor lift

Lifting height: 1.2 meter

Platform size: 1.5m by 1.7m

Capacity: 2000kg

Pit: In pit

Installation position: outdoor

Scissor material: 150# steel tube

Loading board: One one access side

Color: customized gray with spray plastic


This lift is for a Bahrain customer, who owns a workshop and needs to load goods to their truck a lot. After knowing their urgent request, we finished design and production within 20 days. Now we can do export and deliver the lift to client. The installation manual and maintenance manual will be provided to the customer together. Scissor dock lift table’s installation is very easy to do. Only need to fix the lift on bottom by the bolts we gave to you. All the electric wires, buttons, pump staions are tested before delivery, only to connect by our instructions. And during assmebling, himor team will be there to help with all your questions.


Why Himor loading dock scissor lift is so popular in Bahrain?

Bahrain’s industry are basically in Aluminum production, Chemicals, building materials, food and beverage and other manufacturing. Now these industries are developing quickly since the government continues to invest in infrastructure and incentives to promote innovation. Because of these development, more and more plants require lift equipments expecially for goods lifting. Himor’s cargo lifts and lift tables are the best choice for them. Hydraulic lift platforms have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their versatility, efficiency, and safety features across various industries. These platforms, which use hydraulic systems to raise and lower loads, are essential for tasks that require lifting heavy objects to high places, especially in areas with limited space. Himor has a lot of experience in designing, manufacturing, installing hydraulic lifts in the Bahrain. Also we have partners to do these jobs for you.


What capacity can a loading dock scissor lift platform load?

According to our design, the maximum capacity can be 100ton. Most of our customers’ requests are within 20ton. So the lift is totally customized according to request. Just let us know what is the weight of the goods you need to lift, the platform size you need to carry the goods and the table lifting height.

loading dock scissor lift

Himor has designed more than 2000 projects for clients. We always produce the scissor lift tables in high quality standard, and doing enough loading test before delivering to customers. Below is a feedback photo from one of our client, who’s lifts have been working in their plant for more than 3 years. As they said, the lifts can work for them in next more 3 years or 5 years in a good performance condition.

loading dock scissor lift

If you have any requests for dock scissor lift platforms, please collect your request and write to us [email protected]. Our team will discuss with you and give you a design within one day.