Freight elevator with hydraulic system

Freight elevator lift is mainly applied for cargo lifting between different floors. Himor Freight elevator is equipped with hydraulic system which contends hydraulic cylinder, tubes, pump station etc. People can install such hydraulic freight lift both inside and external the building.


Below case is a indoor hydraulic freight elevator from out customer.

Main configuration is as below:

Capacity: 2ton

Lifting height: 4.5m

Platform size: 2*2.5m

Add safety enclosure four sides.

Add rolling shutter door on the fence.

Yellow color.

3 phase electric power supply.

Because there is safety fence around the lift, we would pre-install the cargo lift in our workshop. Then people can fit the lift and wire mesh to the site very well. After the lift arrives at customer’s place, they only need to follow the pre-install mark.


Differently to the gear motor type elevator, hydraulic freight elevator is more economical. And the maintenance cost is also little. Such lift can work for more than ten years without any parts broken.


All lifts are customized according to site. Our engineers will stand by to make the design as per your request. People can install such freight elevator in Workshop, Warehouse, Big plant etc. for daily goods lifting.

freight elevator